Anubis and Ancient in After Latest CS2 Update

Valve really seems to be picking up the pace as far as updates to CS2’s Closed Beta go. Overpass and Vertigo were added just two weeks ago, and today they’ve already been replaced by Ancient and Anubis. If Valve keeps trucking along at this pace, the promised summer 2023 release of CS2 could definitely become a reality. An exciting prospect for people who still don’t have access to the closed test.

Update 7th of August, 2023

On the 7th of August, Valve swapped Anubis and Ancient in this version of the closed test. Ancient replaced Anubis as the map that was available for competitive testing, as can be seen in the full release notes.

– Overpass -Vertigo, +Anubis +Ancient

As is usual with CS2 updates, the old maps get removed from the game and are replaced with new ones, and this time players are getting Anubis and Ancient. Ancient is only available for casual mode or deathmatch as of right now, while Anubis can be played competitively as well.

See: Ancient in CS2 in 15 Beautiful Images

See: Anubis in CS2 in 15 Breathtaking Images

Other Changes

As can be seen on the official dev blog, not a ton of changes have been made to the actual gameplay of CS2 so far, though the developers at Valve are known to bring updates to CS2 in between map drops.

Grenades now do make a ‘splash’ sound when they’re dropped in water, and chickens have taught themselves how to swim, but other that there are no big changes to the game itself.

When Will CS2 Release?

The official release date for CS2 is ‘summer 2023,’ and given the fact that we’re only in the middle of summer and Valve has really been going at it with updates to CS2’s Closed Test, players are becoming cautiously optimistic that the game will fully launch (or at least enter an open beta stage before completely merging CS:GO and CS2 together) within Valve’s deadline period. Given the fact that summer is more or less at its halfway point, this means that the game can drop in a few weeks, and by late September at the very latest.

The frequency of CS2 updates that come and go without any major hiccups or game breaking bugs is very reassuring on that front as well: CS2, as far as we can tell, is in an extremely advanced state already.

Full Patch Notes

Release Notes for 8/2/2023


  • Disabled Wingman

[ MAPS ]

  • Added Anubis to Deathmatch, Casual, and Competitive game modes
  • Added Ancient to Deathmatch and Casual game modes
  • Removed Overpass and Vertigo

[ MISC ]

  • Taught chickens how to swim
  • Weapons splash when dropped in water
  • Adjusted grenade/water interaction sounds


  • Improved head animation when crouching while running
  • Improved foot animation when quickly alternating between standing still and moving


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