Lyric “lyr1c” Quinonez was born on May 11, 1998 and is a professional Apex Legends player for XSET.
Name | Lyric Quinonez |
Birthday | May 11, 1998 |
Country | United States |
Team | XSET![]() |
Lyric “lyr1c” Quinonez was born on May 11, 1998 and is a professional Apex Legends player for XSET.
DPI | 1600 |
Sensitivity | 0.6 |
ADS Sensitivity Multiplier | 1 |
Per Optic ADS Sensitivity | Off |
eDPI | 960.00 |
Hz | 1000 |
Acceleration | Off |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space / Mouse Wheel Down |
Sprint | L-Shift |
Auto-Sprint | Off |
Tactical Ability | Q |
Ultimate Ability | Y / Z |
Interact / Pickup | E |
Alternate Interact | Not Bound |
Inventory | L-Alt |
Map | M |
Toggle Fire Mode | B |
Melee | V |
Equip Weapon 1 | 1 |
Equip Weapon 2 | 2 |
Holster Weapons | 3 |
Equip Grenade | F |
Equip Survival Item | X |
Use Syringe | 5 |
Use Med Kit | 6 |
Use Shield Cell | 7 |
Use Shield Battery | 8 |
Use Phoenix Kit | 9 |
Display Mode | Full Screen |
Resolution | 1728x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:10 |
Brightness | 76% |
FOV | 110 |
FOV Ability Scaling | Disabled |
Sprint View Shake | Minimal |
V-Sync | Disabled |
NVIDIA Reflex | Enabled + Boost |
Anti-Aliasing | None |
Texture Streaming Budget | Insane (8GB VRAM) |
Texture Filtering | Bilinear |
Ambient Occlusion Quality | Disabled |
Sun Shadow Coverage | Low |
Sun Shadow Detail | Low |
Spot Shadow Detail | Disabled |
Volumetric Lighting | Disabled |
Dynamic Spot Shadows | Disabled |
Model Detail | Low |
Effects Detail | Low |
Impact Marks | Disabled |
Ragdolls | Low |
DPI | 1600 |
Sensitivity | 0.53 |
Sensitivity: Vertical Scaling | Unknown |
Zoom Sensitivity | 0.75 |
eDPI | 848 |
Hz | 1000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Gap | Unknown |
Width | Unknown |
Height | Unknown |
Pip Opacity | Unknown |
Show Pip Border | No |
Dot Opacity | Unknown |
Dot Outline Opacity | Unknown |
Red | Unknown |
Green | Unknown |
Blue | Unknown |
Jump/Mantle | Unknown |
Dash | Unknown |
Crouch/Slide | Unknown |
Item 1 | Unknown |
Item 2 | Unknown |
Item 3 | Unknown |
Item 4 | Unknown |
Melee | Unknown |
Ability 1 | Unknown |
Ability 2 | Unknown |
Ability 3 | Unknown |
Ability 4 | Unknown |
Melee Parry/Throw Held Item | Unknown |
Cancel Ability | Unknown |
Self Cast | Unknown |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Window Mode | Full Screen |
Upscaling Technology | Unknown |
Render Quality | Unknown |
Anti-Aliasing | Unknown |
Screen Space AO | Unknown |
Distance Field AO | Unknown |
Motion Blur | Unknown |
Texture Quality | Unknown |
Distance Field Shadows | Unknown |
Displacement Mapping | Unknown |
Post Process Bloom | Unknown |
Effects Bloom | Unknown |
VSync | Unknown |
Area Lights | Unknown |
Depth of Field | Unknown |
MBOIT | Unknown |
DyAc | Premium |
Black eQualizer | 12 |
Color Vibrance | 20 |
Low Blue Light | 0 |
Picture Mode | Unknown |
Brightness | 100 |
Contrast | 50 |
Sharpness | 10 |
Gamma | Gamma 3 |
Color Temperature | Unknown |
AMA | Premium |
Apex: 1600.6 | TheFinals: 1600 30 | XDefiant: 1600 15 0.73x ads | Deadlock: 1600 0.53 0.75 zoom Quelle:Twitch chat !sens
Updated, thanks!
24″ 360Hz XL2566K from BenQ Zowie
normal wooting60he not the + version
dyac premium black eq 12 color vibrance 20 brightness 100 contrast 50 sharpness 10 gamma 3 ama premium
Updated, thanks!
G-Wolves HTX 4k
blinear texture filtering, 8gb vram texture streaming budget, enable+boost nvidia reflex
Updated, thanks!
Wallhack Skypad 4.0
Updated, thanks!
As of right now he is playing (1728×1080 native )
Source twitch stream april 16th yw
Updated, thanks!
Finalmouse UltralightX
artisan zero soft
Updated, thanks!
Apex: 1600 .9 TheFinals: 1600 30
Updated, thanks!
Monitor settings?
Lyr1c new sens 1600 DPI ingame 0.85
source: his new video on the 22th of Sep
Updated, thanks!
Lyr1c is now playing for XSET, he also uses the wooting 60 he
Updated, thank you!
new sens is : 1600 dpi 0.65
source: his new video on the 7th of may
Updated lyr1c’s sens, thank you!
Lyric is no longer with eUnited
Updated, thank you!
lyric now using 1680×1050 110FOV
Updated lyr1c’s resolution, thank you!
lyric plays 120 fov
Updated that, thank you!
he uses 400 dpi and 2.4 sensitivity now
source: twitch
Updated lyr1c’s sens, thank you!