Fortnite Tournaments – Everything You Need To Know

Fortnite has managed to do something other games are still struggling with: it’s giving every player a chance to play at the top level of esports. Thanks to Fortnite tournaments, you don’t need to know the right people in order to even have a chance at making it. The only thing that counts is your skill level. That’s what makes Fortnite’s esport so fun and unpredictable: every now and then, a couple of underdogs will come in and shake things up, all while going head-to-toe with some of the best Fortnite players.

In this article, we will be explaining everything you need to know about Fortnite Tournaments.

How to Compete in Fortnite Tournaments

Participating in a Fortnite tournament is simple. All you need to do is head to the Compete tab at the top of your screen. Once there, you will see a collection of different events that you can participate in. These events are spread out over the week. Some offer cosmetic rewards, while others offer straight up cash. 

Fortnite tournaments home screen

Types of Fortnite Tournaments

With every Fortnite season, the ingame competitive events change. Rewards, point systems, and rules often change. However, generally speaking, the types of these tournaments stay the same and can be categorized. 

Generally, Fortnite tournaments can be categorized into three types: Build Mode, Zero Build, and Rank Specific.

Build Mode and Zero Build are self-explanatory, while rank-specific tournaments only allow players with a certain rank to compete. For example, a Platinum Ranked event will only allow Platinum players to compete. You can always learn more about the currently active events by pressing the Event Details button.

Fortnite Tournament Rewards

The best thing about competing in Fortnite tournaments is that you can earn rewards. You can either earn cash rewards or cosmetics. Of course, you need to perform well and place high on the leaderboard to get rewards. The placement requirements  (Top 100 or Top 50, for example) differ from event to event. 

Generally, Cash events are more competitive than cosmetic events, as more players are interested in winning cash. It’s also worth noting that the rewards change depending on your region. For example, Cash Cups in the ME region offer way less money as a reward than Cash Cups in the bigger regions like the EU. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to money rewards though. For the best players, Fortnite has a more competitive tournament called FNCS or Fortnite Champion Series. This is where the big money is at (see our Fortnite earnings article) with rewards ranging in the thousands of dollars. That also means it’s extremely competitive though. 

It’s so competitive that to even get a chance to play, you first have to qualify through a series of rounds and events to make it to the final event. The system for this changes with every FNCS. You can check the details of for upcoming FNCS here

In summary: you can either win cosmetics or money by competing in these tournaments. If you have what it takes, then you can try competing for the FNCS too, where the big bucks are made.

Fortnite Cash Cups example

Fortnite Tournaments Point System

In order to get those sweet rewards, you have to place high on the leaderboard. The leaderboard is calculated based on points. These points are earned in the game. Every event’s point system is different, but it mostly revolves around placement in the match and kills. 

It goes without saying that winning a match will usually deliver the most points, but you can also do well by consistently racking up lots of kills, even though this is a lot riskier.

In most events, you will be playing a series of games, and your points are accumulated through all of these games to give you a final standing on the leaderboard. Your reward is then based on your position on the leaderboard at the end of the event. This means that it’s perfectly fine to have one unlucky game, for example.

Fortnite Tournament rewards example

Pictured above: an example of the point system in a Fortnite Tournament event

Tips for Placing Better in Fortnite Tournaments

With the details out of the way, let’s discuss some tips to help you play better in all forms of Fortnite tournaments. Since these events attract a ton of really competitive players, you’ll find that the opposition is (generally speaking) a lot stronger than in regular matchmaking games.

Here are some tips that can help you place significantly better and avoid mistake:

Master The Basics

This is a given: to place better or win these events you have to be good at the game. This means you need to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals like building, aiming, rotating, etc. Improving your skills drastically won’t happen overnight, but you can read guides such as our Fortnite building tips guide to aid you in the process.

Resource Management

If you are playing a Build Mode event, it’s important to be aware of your and your teammate/s resources (materials and utilities). In such a competitive environment, you generally won’t have the time to farm and collect resources. It’s important to be mindful of your resources and plan accordingly.

Lang Strategically

Unlike normal or even ranked mode, just landing anywhere won’t be beneficial. In tournaments, you need to have a dedicated landing spots you are familiar with. This means having extensive knowledge of all the weapon spawns, chests, and the overall layout of the spot. Moreover, you also need to have plans in place for different situations, like if someone contests your spot or if the zone forms far away. Being prepared for these situations will help you plan out your game better.

Rotate Wisely

This is the most important part of performing well in a tournament. You need to learn how to rotate across the map efficiently and safely. Just going straight to the circle won’t work as you could end up facing off against a team. Even if you win the fight, you will be a target to get third-partied by the other teams. 

The best tip is to find a route that gets you to the circle without coming into contact with other teams. Placements offer a lot of points, so surviving for as long as you can will ultimately help you in the leaderboard.

Choose Your Battles Carefully

When it comes to fights, you have to engage selectively. Only fight when you have to and when you know that you can win it. Even if you’re sure you’ll win, be prepared for other players trying to third party you. Before engaging in a fight, you need to take into account your resources, the storm, rotations, and many more things. All of this will come with experience of course, but it pays off to be aware of the fact that you need to be more conscious about your fights when playing Fortnite tournaments.

Focus On Consistency

Consistent placements are often more valuable than aggressive plays. Focus on staying alive and accumulating points through placements, as well as securing eliminations when the opportunity arises.

Review Replays

Analyze your gameplay by reviewing tournament replays. Identify areas for improvement, learn from mistakes, and adapt your strategies based on your observations. Analyzing your own gameplay is one of the best ways to improve in any competitive game, so if you’re serious about your Fortnite career you should definitely make a habit of viewing your own matches.


That pretty much covers everything you need to know about Fortnite Tournaments, including how to compete, the rewards you can earn, and some tips to help you along the journey. These tournaments are significantly more competitive than your casual or ranked games. If you are just starting out, it will take some time before you can start placing well. Consistency and practice will get you there eventually though.

Good luck and have fun!

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CS2 Konsol Açma

thank you.