Color | White |
Crosshair Color | #ffffff |
Outlines | Off |
Center Dot | Off |
Name | Anthony Colandro |
Birthday | N/A |
Country | United States |
Team | Free Agent![]() |
Anthony “ZexRow” Colandro is a professional VALORANT player from the United States of America.
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity | 0.314 |
Scoped Sensitivity | 1 |
ADS Sensitivity | Unknown |
eDPI | 251.2 |
Hz | 1000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Input Buffer | Off |
Color | White |
Crosshair Color | #ffffff |
Outlines | Off |
Center Dot | Off |
Show Inner Lines | On |
Inner Line Opacity | 1 |
Inner Line Length | 4 |
Inner Line Thickness | 2 |
Inner Line Offset | 2 |
Movement Error | Off |
Firing Error | Off |
Show Outer Lines | Off |
Movement Error | Off |
Firing Error | Off |
Code | 0;s;1;P;u;000000FF;o;0;0l;4;0v;3;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0;S;c;5;s;0.787;o;1 |
Walk | L-Shift |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space Bar |
Use Object | F |
Equip Primary Weapon | 1 |
Equip Secondary Weapon | 2 |
Equip Melee Weapon | 3 |
Equip Spike | 4 |
Use/Equip Ability: 1 | C |
Use/Equip Ability: 2 | Q |
Use/Equip Ability: 3 | E |
Use/Equip Ability: Ultimate | X |
Rotate | Unknown |
Fixed Orientation | Unknown |
Keep Player Centered | Unknown |
Minimap Size | Unknown |
Minimap Zoom | Unknown |
Minimap Vision Cones | Unknown |
Show Map Region Names | Unknown |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Aspect Ratio Method | Letterbox |
Display Mode | Fullscreen |
Multithreaded Rendering | On |
Material Quality | Low |
Texture Quality | Low |
Detail Quality | Low |
UI Quality | Low |
Vignette | Off |
VSync | Off |
Anti-Aliasing | FXAA |
Anisotropic Filtering | 1x |
Improve Clarity | Off |
Experimental Sharpening | Off |
Bloom | Off |
Distortion | Off |
Cast Shadows | Off |
Enemy Highlight Color | Unknown |
DPI | 800 |
Hz | 1000 |
X-Axis Sensitivity | 6.0% |
Y-Axis Sensitivity | 6.0% |
Targeting Sensitivity | 40.0% |
Scope Sensitivity | 38% |
Building Sensitivity | Unknown |
Editing Sensitivity | Unknown |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space Bar |
Sprint | L-Shift |
Harvesting Tool | Unknown |
Weapon Slot 1 | Unknown |
Weapon Slot 2 | Unknown |
Weapon Slot 3 | Unknown |
Weapon Slot 4 | Unknown |
Weapon Slot 5 | Unknown |
Use | F |
Wall | Mouse Button 5 |
Floor | X |
Stairs | Mouse Button 4 |
Roof | Z |
Trap | B |
Rotate Building | R |
Building Edit | E |
Turbo Building | Unknown |
Confirm Edit on Release | On |
Disable Pre-Edit Option | Unknown |
Window Mode | Fullscreen |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Vsync | Unknown |
Frame Rate Limit | 240 FPS |
Rendering Mode | Unknown |
HUD Scale | 90% |
Brightness | 50% |
User Interface Contrast | 1x |
Color Blind Mode | Off |
Color Blind Strength | 0 |
Motion Blur | Unknown |
Anti-Aliasing & Super Resolution | Off |
Temporal Super Resolution | Unknown |
3D Resolution | Unknown |
Dynamic 3D Resolution | Unknown |
Nanite Virtualized Geometry | Unknown |
Shadows | Off |
Global Illumination | Unknown |
Reflections | Unknown |
View Distance | Near |
Textures | Low |
Effects | Low |
Post Processing | Low |
Hardware Ray Tracing | Unknown |
Show FPS | On |
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency | Unknown |
his sens is FORT: 800 dpi 6 % xy .40% scope .40% ads
Updated Zexrow’s sens, thank you!
his sens is 10% for x and y with 400 dpi :}
Fixed ZexRow’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂
Left ctrl as crouch
Fixed ZexRow’s keybinds, thank you! 🙂
his hud is now 90 according to his stream
Fixed ZexRow’s HUD scale, thank you! 🙂
He switched from the gpro wireless to the gpro wired I do not know why but he mentioned in his stream today.
Fixed ZexRow’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
His trap is b now.
Fixed ZexRow’s keybinds, thank you! 🙂
I dont know but his trap is c on his stream so i think his crouch is v
Fixed ZexRow’s keybinds, thank you! 🙂
Zexrow is now playing on 400 dpi and 12% and 40% ADS he posted in his twitter that
Fixed ZexRow’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂
Zexrow switched his keyboard to the logitech gpro x gx red switches and mouse back to the logitech g pro wireless.
Fixed ZexRow’s mouse & keyboard, thank you! 🙂
800 DPI / 8% xy / ADS & scope 70% source is his twitch
Fixed ZexRow’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂
Zexrow Now Uses The Logitech G pro Wired mouse
Fixed ZexRow’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
He is using the Logitech g pro wireless
Fixed ZexRow’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
zexrow is in chronic now as well
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
He swtched to logitech g pro wired . Idk for how long but he said on his strea he’s getting used to it
Fixed ZexRow’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
Zexrow now uses v for trap.
Fixed ZexRow’s keybinds, thank you! 🙂
I think hes using the Alienware AW2518H by now. Ive seen the monitor in his latest Twitter picture.
Fixed ZexRow’s monitor, thank you! 🙂 hes using the g pro wireless
Fixed ZexRow’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
zexrow uses a gpro hero now
Fixed ZexRow’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
he now uses the new Logitech G Pro X headset
Fixed ZexRow’s headset, thank you! 🙂
does he use hyper glides??
Unfortunately that information about ZexRow’s mouse was never shared by him. 🙁