Jesse “zehN” Linjala is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player from Finland who is currently a free agent.
Name | Jesse Linjala |
Birthday | November 7, 1991 |
Country | Finland |
Team | Free Agent |
Jesse “zehN” Linjala is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player from Finland who is currently a free agent.
DPI | 400 |
Sensitivity | 1.50 |
eDPI | 600 |
Zoom Sensitivity | 1.00 |
Hz | 1000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 5 |
Style | Classic Static |
Follow Recoil | No |
Dot | No |
Length | 2 |
Thickness | 0 |
Gap | -3 |
Outline | No |
Color | Green |
Red | 50 |
Green | 250 |
Blue | 50 |
Alpha | Yes |
Alpha Value | 255 |
T Style | No |
Deployed Weapon Gap | No |
Sniper Width | 1 |
FOV | 68 |
Offset X | 2.5 |
Offset Y | 0 |
Offset Z | -1.5 |
Presetpos | 2 |
Lower Amt | 21 |
Amt Lat | 0.4 |
Amt Vert | 0.25 |
Cycle | 0.98 |
Resolution | 1280x960 |
Aspect Ratio | 4:3 |
Scaling Mode | Stretched |
Brightness | 100% |
Display Mode | Fullscreen |
Boost Player Contrast | Enabled |
V-Sync | Disabled |
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency | Unknown |
NVIDIA G-Sync | Unknown |
Maximum FPS In Game | Unknown |
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode | 8x MSAA |
Global Shadow Quality | Medium |
Dynamic Shadows | Unknown |
Model / Texture Detail | Low |
Texture Filtering Mode | Anisotropic 16x |
Shader Detail | High |
Particle Detail | Unknown |
Ambient Occlusion | Unknown |
High Dynamic Range | Unknown |
FidelityFX Super Resolution | Unknown |
HUD Scale | Unknown |
HUD Color | Unknown |
Radar Centers The Player | Unknown |
Radar is Rotating | Unknown |
Toggle Shape With Scoreboard | Unknown |
Radar Hud Size | Unknown |
Radar Map Zoom | Unknown |
zehn playing funplus phoenix right now.
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Scaling mode streched source twitch
Fixed zehN’s resolution, thank you! 🙂
New Mousepad: Logitech G440
Fixed zehN’s mousepad, thank you! 🙂
sens 1.50 400dpi
res 1280×960 4:3
crosshair cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0
cl_crosshairsize 2.5
cl_crosshairstyle 4
cl_crosshairgap -3
cl_crosshairthickness 0.5
cl_crosshairdot 0
Global Shadow Quality – Medium
Model / Texture Quality – Low
Effect Detail – High
Shader Detail – High
Multicore Rendering – Enabled
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode – 8x MSAA
FXAA Anti-Aliasing – Disabled
Texture Filtering Mode – 16 anisotropic
Wait for Vertical Sync – Disabled
Motion Blur – Disabled
All this zehn show on his twitch stream.
Fixed zehN’s settings, thank you! 🙂
Zehn steam is JESCERATO:
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Config download?
Unfortunately zehN’ config was never shared by him. Hopefully we can add it in the future. 🙂
Playing for GODSENT Ali g side, krysta, maden, Styko, Maikelele
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Size 3, gap -3, thickness 0, color 1
Fixed zehN’s crosshair, thank you! 🙂
!video settings
Unfortunately zehN’s video settings were never shared by him. 🙁
Zehn using g pro wireless
Source: Starladder Berlin Minor
Fixed zehN’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
size 2 gap -3 color 2 thickness 0 outline 0
Fixed zehN’s crosshair, thank you! 🙂
Video settings
Unfortunately zehN’s video settings were never shared by him. 🙁
where is config
Unfortunately zehN’s config was never shared by him. Hopefully we can add it in the future. 🙂
can you ask zehn for the config?
I have sent zehN a message asking for his config. Hopefully he will share it soon. 🙂
Will you be able to find his config or ask him somewhere . Thanks
This site is amazing you are doing great job !!
I have sent zehn a message asking for his config. 🙂
can u try contacting him regarding his settings i think they are incorrect
Updated zehN’s sensitivity & gear, thank you! 🙂
no config?
Unfortunately we don’t have zehN’s config uploaded yet. Hopefully we can add it in the future. 🙂
He is using right now 1024×768 bb viewmodel clasic and crosshair size 1 gap -2 dot 1 thickness 0 . His yt channel j3zz3 he said that in comments and his / zehndaking . Keep it up great website and great work.!!!!
Fixed zehN’s crosshair & resolution, thank you! 🙂