John “Wanted” Lin is a full-time content creator and streamer from the United States of America.
Name | John Lin |
Birthday | April 23, 1998 |
Country | United States |
Team | Content Creator |
John “Wanted” Lin is a full-time content creator and streamer from the United States of America.
DPI | 1600 |
Sensitivity | 2.00 |
eDPI | 3200 |
Zoom Sensitivity | 48 |
Hz | 1000 |
Type | Unknown |
Show Accuracy | Unknown |
Color | Unknown |
Thickness | Unknown |
Length | Unknown |
Center Gap | Unknown |
Opacity | Unknown |
Outline Opacity | Unknown |
Dot Size | Unknown |
Dot Opacity | Unknown |
Scale with Resolution | Unknown |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Field of View | 103 |
Render Scale | 100% |
Frame Rate | 240 |
VSync | Unknown |
Triple Buffering | Unknown |
Reduce Buffering | Unknown |
NVIDIA Reflex | Unknown |
Gamma Correction | 2.20 |
Contrast | 1.00 |
Brightness | 1.00 |
High Quality Upsampling | Unknown |
Texture Quality | Unknown |
Texture Filtering Quality | Unknown |
Local Fog Detail | Unknown |
Dynamic Reflections | Unknown |
Shadow Detail | Unknown |
Model Detail | Unknown |
Effects Detail | Unknown |
Lighting Quality | Unknown |
Antialias Quality | Unknown |
Refraction Quality | Unknown |
Screenshot Quality | Unknown |
Ambient Occlusion | Unknown |
Local Reflections | Unknown |
Damage FX | Unknown |
Wanted is at 2 sens 1600 dpi now
Fixed Wanted’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂
hes dpi 1600 with 2.66 now
Fixed Wanted’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂
What does he use for get his color in game?
Unfortunately Wanted’s settings outside of the game that affect his color in Overwatch were never shared by him. 🙁
I believe that either the double or edpi for Wanted is wrong, as 3200 dpi and 1.33 in game sensitivity does not equate to 4000 edpi
Fixed Wanted’s eDPI, thank you! 🙂