WackyJacky101 is a full-time content creator and streamer from Denmark.
Name | Henrik Kjaerulff |
Birthday | N/A |
Country | Denmark |
Team | Content Creator |
WackyJacky101 is a full-time content creator and streamer from Denmark.
DPI | 800 |
Hz | 1000 |
Aim Sensitivity | 24 |
General Sensitivity | 24 |
ADS Sensitivity | 24 |
Vertical Sensitivity Multiplier | 1 |
Universal Sensitivity for All Scopes | Disable |
2x Scope Sensitivity | 23 |
3x Scope Sensitivity | 23 |
4x Scope Sensitivity | 23 |
6x Scope Sensitivity | 23 |
8x Scope Sensitivity | 23 |
15x Scope Sensitivity | 23 |
Walk | Unknown |
Sprint | Unknown |
Crouch | C |
Jump / Vault | Space Bar / Mouse Button 4 |
Prone | Z |
Interact | F |
Auto Run | = |
Peek Left | Unknown |
Peek Right | Unknown |
Display Mode | Full Screen |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
In-Game FPS Cap | Unlimited |
Brightness | 80 |
Render Scale | 120 |
FPP Camera FOV | 103 |
Anti-Aliasing | Ultra |
Post-Processing | Low |
Shadows | Low |
Textures | Medium |
Effects | Low |
Foliage | Low |
View Distance | Medium |
Sharpen | Enable |
V-Sync | Disable |
Motion Blur | Disable |
DirectX Version | DirectX 11 |