Andre “Typical Gamer” Rebelo is a full-time content creator and streamer from Canada.
Name | Andre Rebelo |
Birthday | March 23, 1992 |
Country | Canada |
Team | Content Creator |
Andre “Typical Gamer” Rebelo is a full-time content creator and streamer from Canada.
DPI | 800 |
Hz | 1000 |
X-Axis Sensitivity | 7.0% |
Y-Axis Sensitivity | 7.0% |
Targeting Sensitivity | 40.0% |
Scope Sensitivity | 40.0% |
Building Sensitivity | Unknown |
Editing Sensitivity | Unknown |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space Bar |
Sprint | Caps Lock |
Harvesting Tool | 1 |
Weapon Slot 1 | 2 |
Weapon Slot 2 | 3 |
Weapon Slot 3 | 4 |
Weapon Slot 4 | 5 |
Weapon Slot 5 | 6 |
Use | Scroll Wheel Down |
Wall | Q |
Floor | Mouse Button 4 |
Stairs | E |
Roof | L-Shift |
Trap | T |
Rotate Building | R |
Building Edit | F |
Turbo Building | Unknown |
Confirm Edit on Release | Unknown |
Disable Pre-Edit Option | Off |
Window Mode | Fullscreen |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Vsync | Unknown |
Frame Rate Limit | 360 FPS |
Rendering Mode | DirectX 12 |
HUD Scale | 80% |
Brightness | 115% |
User Interface Contrast | 1x |
Color Blind Mode | Off |
Color Blind Strength | 0 |
Motion Blur | Unknown |
Anti-Aliasing & Super Resolution | TSR Low |
Temporal Super Resolution | Custom |
3D Resolution | 100% |
Dynamic 3D Resolution | Off |
Nanite Virtualized Geometry | Off |
Shadows | Off |
Global Illumination | Ambient Occlusion |
Reflections | Screen Space |
View Distance | Epic |
Textures | High |
Effects | Low |
Post Processing | Epic |
Hardware Ray Tracing | Unknown |
Show FPS | On |
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency | Unknown |
What is his servers of region he is in
Typical Gamer was born March 23 1992 making him 32, Search up how old is Typical Gamer on Google start at 1:13:40
The settings are all of his graphic quality
Updated, thanks!
what is his sensitivity
What are his settings for reload and marker placement?
Yo maza
Typical Gamer showed the top half of his video settings in this video: TG PLAYS vs THE WORLD! ( Skip to 0:42
Updated, thank you!
Can typical gamer gift me some skins from the item shop or get me the battle pass please my username is Elitemacaw7162
I Want to buy the same pc as to but don’t know which one or what to buy
Well he probably built his and id recommend building your own as you can choose your specs.
What is his place build button
The normal left click
good at Fortnite
What’s tgs run button
This is pretty accurate
I love you tg touch a great gamer
such as what do you mean
Typical gamer you’re the best. Frenzy bros!!!
Typical gamer use wasd to move, imagine that!!! You’re the best typical gamer! You’re not typing at all! Frenzy bros!!!
i love tg he is a great streamer
To can you add me on Fortnite please my Fortnite is ligtch I watch you a lot I’m a fan of you
In actually looking to get good please will you help me get better because my friends call me names and that makes me cry.
Hey I will play with u Oliver
I would really want to play Gn with u my username is TTVBAJC23
He has updated his setup so this needs to be changed
what camera does he use for his face cam
What does he use to mark?
Middle mouse button
wait what does he use to pick up stuff
scroll wheel down so scroll button
scroll wheel down
Typical gamer uses caps lock to sprint during his stream, I asked him and he told me that’s what he uses
Updated, thank you!
Hi love your videos keep it up I looked at this to be more like you
Typical gamer’s new sensitivity is y sensitivity 7% in the x sensitivities at 7% targeting sensitivity, 40% in the scope sensitivity is 40% if you’re going to stream and tape !sens his chat, bot well, tell you that that’s his new sense
Updated Typical Gamer’s sens, thanks!
Disable pre edit option off
Updated Typical Gamer’s settings, thanks!
his hud is 80%
Updated, thank you!
Typical gamer cone keybinds is left shift and his use is scroll down
Updated Typical Gamer’s keybinds, thank you!