Color | White |
Crosshair Color | #ffffff |
Outlines | On |
Outline Opacity | 0 |
Outline Thickness | 1 |
Center Dot | Off |
Name | Michael Grzesiek |
Birthday | June 2, 1994 |
Country | Canada |
Team | Content Creator |
Michael “shroud” Grzesiek is one of the most famous streamers in the world.
Before transitioning to becoming a full-time streamer, he played in Cloud 9’s CS:GO division, achieving numerous tournament victories and cementing himself as one of NA’s best. In April 2018, he announced that he would formally retire and left Cloud 9 where he was previously signed as a streamer after leaving the active roster.
He briefly joined Sentinels’ professional VALORANT roster in the summer of 2022 to play in LCQ.
DPI | 800 |
Vertical Sensitivity | 1.2 |
Horizontal Sensitivity | 1.2 |
eDPI | 960 |
Hz | 1000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Reticle Type | Crosshairs |
Reticle Animation | Off |
Width | 12 |
Reticle Opacity | 100 |
Outline Width | 50 |
Outline Opacity | 100 |
Blur | 0 |
Center Gap | 0 |
Crosshair Length | 16 |
Crosshair Angle | 0 |
Color | White |
Primary Weapon | 1 |
Secondary Weapon | 2 |
Melee Attack | V |
Ability 1 | E |
Ability 2 | L-Shift |
Ability 3 | F |
Ultimate Ability | Q |
Team-Up Ability 1 | Z |
Team-Up Ability 2 | X |
Team-Up Ability 3 | C |
Resolution | 2560x1440 |
Display Mode | Fullscreen |
Anti-Aliasing and Super Resolution Type | Unknown |
Frame Generation Mode | Unknown |
Low Latency Mode | Unknown |
Brightness | 50 |
V-Sync | Off |
Global Illumination | Unknown |
Reflection Quality | Unknown |
Model Detail | Unknown |
Post-Processing | Unknown |
Shadow Detail | Unknown |
Texture Quality | Unknown |
Effects Detail | Unknown |
Foliage Quality | Unknown |
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity | 1.25 |
eDPI | 1000 |
Zoom Sensitivity | 1 |
Hz | 1000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Style | Classic Static |
Follow Recoil | No |
Dot | No |
Length | 5 |
Thickness | 1.5 |
Gap | -2 |
Outline | No |
Color | Green |
Red | 255 |
Green | 255 |
Blue | 255 |
Alpha | Yes |
Alpha Value | 255 |
T Style | No |
Deployed Weapon Gap | No |
Sniper Width | 0 |
FOV | 68 |
Offset X | 2.5 |
Offset Y | 1 |
Offset Z | -1.5 |
Presetpos | 2 |
Lower Amt | 5 |
Amt Lat | 0.1 |
Amt Vert | 0.1 |
Cycle | 0.98 |
Resolution | 2560x1440 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Scaling Mode | Native |
Brightness | 93% |
Display Mode | Fullscreen |
Boost Player Contrast | Enabled |
V-Sync | Disabled |
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency | Disabled |
NVIDIA G-Sync | Disabled |
Maximum FPS In Game | 0 |
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode | 4x MSAA |
Global Shadow Quality | High |
Dynamic Shadows | All |
Model / Texture Detail | High |
Texture Filtering Mode | Anisotropic 4x |
Shader Detail | High |
Particle Detail | High |
Ambient Occlusion | Medium |
High Dynamic Range | Quality |
FidelityFX Super Resolution | Disabled (Highest Quality) |
HUD Scale | 0.95 |
HUD Color | White |
Radar Centers The Player | No |
Radar is Rotating | Yes |
Toggle Shape With Scoreboard | No |
Radar Hud Size | 1.005 |
Radar Map Zoom | 0.5 |
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity | 1.10 |
Sensitivity: Vertical Scaling | 1 |
Zoom Sensitivity | 0.90 |
eDPI | Unknown |
Hz | 1000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Gap | 3 |
Width | 4 |
Height | 6 |
Pip Opacity | 0.4 |
Show Pip Border | Yes |
Dot Opacity | 0.7 |
Dot Outline Opacity | 0.9 |
Red | 0 |
Green | 255 |
Blue | 255 |
Jump/Mantle | Space Bar |
Dash | L-Shift |
Crouch/Slide | L-Ctrl |
Item 1 | 1 |
Item 2 | 2 |
Item 3 | 3 |
Item 4 | 4 |
Melee | V |
Ability 1 | Q |
Ability 2 | E |
Ability 3 | Z |
Ability 4 | X |
Melee Parry/Throw Held Item | F |
Cancel Ability | Space Bar |
Self Cast | Unknown |
Resolution | 2560x1440 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Window Mode | Borderless Window |
Upscaling Technology | FSR2 (TAA) |
Render Quality | 100% |
Anti-Aliasing | None |
Screen Space AO | Off |
Distance Field AO | Off |
Motion Blur | Off |
Texture Quality | Med |
Distance Field Shadows | Off |
Displacement Mapping | Off |
Post Process Bloom | Off |
Effects Bloom | Off |
VSync | Off |
Area Lights | Off |
Depth of Field | Off |
MBOIT | Off |
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity | 0.3 |
Scoped Sensitivity | 1 |
ADS Sensitivity | Unknown |
eDPI | Unknown |
Hz | 1000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Input Buffer | On |
Color | White |
Crosshair Color | #ffffff |
Outlines | On |
Outline Opacity | 0 |
Outline Thickness | 1 |
Center Dot | Off |
Show Inner Lines | Off |
Movement Error | Off |
Firing Error | Off |
Show Outer Lines | On |
Outer Line Opacity | 1 |
Outer Line Length | 12 |
Outer Line Thickness | 2 |
Outer Line Offset | 6 |
Movement Error | Off |
Firing Error | Off |
Code | 0;s;1;P;o;0;f;0;0b;0;1l;10;1o;6;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0 |
Walk | L-Shift |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space / Mouse Wheel Down |
Use Object | F |
Equip Primary Weapon | 1 |
Equip Secondary Weapon | 2 |
Equip Melee Weapon | 3 |
Equip Spike | 4 |
Use/Equip Ability: 1 | C |
Use/Equip Ability: 2 | Q |
Use/Equip Ability: 3 | E |
Use/Equip Ability: Ultimate | X |
Rotate | Rotate |
Fixed Orientation | Based On Side |
Keep Player Centered | Off |
Minimap Size | 1.2 |
Minimap Zoom | 1 |
Minimap Vision Cones | On |
Show Map Region Names | Always |
Resolution | 2560x1440 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Aspect Ratio Method | Fill |
Display Mode | Fullscreen |
Multithreaded Rendering | On |
Material Quality | Low |
Texture Quality | High |
Detail Quality | Low |
UI Quality | Low |
Vignette | Off |
VSync | Off |
Anti-Aliasing | MSAA 4x |
Anisotropic Filtering | 8x |
Improve Clarity | On |
Experimental Sharpening | Off |
Bloom | Off |
Distortion | Off |
Cast Shadows | On |
Enemy Highlight Color | Purple (Tritanopia) |
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity | 1.5 |
ADS Sensitivity Multiplier | 1 |
Per Optic ADS Sensitivity | Off |
eDPI | 1200.00 |
Hz | 1000 |
Acceleration | Off |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space |
Sprint | L-Shift |
Auto-Sprint | Off |
Tactical Ability | Q |
Ultimate Ability | Y / Z |
Interact / Pickup | E |
Alternate Interact | X |
Inventory | Tab |
Map | M |
Toggle Fire Mode | B |
Melee | V |
Equip Weapon 1 | 1 |
Equip Weapon 2 | 2 |
Holster Weapons | 3 |
Equip Grenade | G |
Equip Survival Item | L-Alt |
Use Syringe | 5 |
Use Med Kit | 6 |
Use Shield Cell | 7 |
Use Shield Battery | 8 |
Use Phoenix Kit | 9 |
Display Mode | Full Screen |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Brightness | 50% |
FOV | 103 |
FOV Ability Scaling | Disabled |
Sprint View Shake | Minimal |
V-Sync | Disabled |
NVIDIA Reflex | Enabled + Boost |
Anti-Aliasing | TSAA |
Texture Streaming Budget | Insane (8GB VRAM) |
Texture Filtering | Anisotropic 16x |
Ambient Occlusion Quality | High |
Sun Shadow Coverage | Low |
Sun Shadow Detail | Low |
Spot Shadow Detail | Low |
Volumetric Lighting | Disabled |
Dynamic Spot Shadows | Disabled |
Model Detail | High |
Effects Detail | High |
Impact Marks | High |
Ragdolls | High |
DPI | 800 |
Hz | 1000 |
Aim Sensitivity | 35 |
General Sensitivity | 35 |
ADS Sensitivity | 35 |
Vertical Sensitivity Multiplier | 1.00 |
Universal Sensitivity for All Scopes | Enable |
Walk | N/A |
Sprint | L-Shift |
Crouch | C |
Jump / Vault | Space Bar / L-Ctrl |
Prone | Z |
Interact | F |
Auto Run | = |
Peek Left | Q |
Peek Right | E |
Display Mode | Full Screen |
Resolution | 2560x1440 |
In-Game FPS Cap | Unlimited |
Brightness | 50 |
Render Scale | 100 |
FPP Camera FOV | 103 |
Anti-Aliasing | Medium |
Post-Processing | Medium |
Shadows | Medium |
Textures | Medium |
Effects | Medium |
Foliage | Medium |
View Distance | High |
Sharpen | Disable |
V-Sync | Disable |
Motion Blur | Disable |
DirectX Version | DirectX 11 |
DPI | 800 |
Hz | 1000 |
X-Axis Sensitivity | 0.065% |
Y-Axis Sensitivity | 0.065% |
Targeting Sensitivity | 65.3% |
Scope Sensitivity | 56.3% |
Building Sensitivity | Unknown |
Editing Sensitivity | Unknown |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space / Mouse Wheel Down |
Sprint | L-Shift |
Harvesting Tool | 1 |
Weapon Slot 1 | 2 |
Weapon Slot 2 | 3 |
Weapon Slot 3 | 4 |
Weapon Slot 4 | 5 |
Weapon Slot 5 | 6 |
Use | F |
Wall | Q |
Floor | X |
Stairs | E |
Roof | Mouse 4 |
Trap | T |
Rotate Building | R |
Building Edit | G |
Turbo Building | On |
Confirm Edit on Release | Unknown |
Disable Pre-Edit Option | Unknown |
Window Mode | Fullscreen |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Vsync | Unknown |
Frame Rate Limit | 240 FPS |
Rendering Mode | Unknown |
HUD Scale | 100% |
Brightness | 50% |
User Interface Contrast | 1x |
Color Blind Mode | Off |
Color Blind Strength | 0 |
Motion Blur | Unknown |
Anti-Aliasing & Super Resolution | Off |
Temporal Super Resolution | Unknown |
3D Resolution | Unknown |
Dynamic 3D Resolution | Unknown |
Nanite Virtualized Geometry | Unknown |
Shadows | Off |
Global Illumination | Unknown |
Reflections | Unknown |
View Distance | Epic |
Textures | Low |
Effects | Low |
Post Processing | Low |
Hardware Ray Tracing | Unknown |
Show FPS | On |
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency | On +Boost |
DPI | 800 |
Hz | 1000 |
Sensitivity | Unknown |
Vertical Sensitivity Multiplier | Unknown |
ADS Sensitivity Mode | Legacy |
Custom Sensitivity Per Zoom | Off |
Acceleration | Unknown |
Filtering | Unknown |
Smoothing | Unknown |
Use | E |
Jump / Stand / Mantle | Unknown |
Crouch / Slide | L-Ctrl |
Prone | C |
Sprint / Tactical Sprint / Steady Aim | L-Shift |
Weapon Mount | Mouse 5 |
Alternate Fire | B |
Melee / Finishing Move | Mouse 4 |
Use Lethal Equipment | G |
Use Tactical Equipment | Q |
Use Armor Plate | 4 |
Night Vision Goggles | X |
Use Field Upgrade | 4 |
Aim Down Sight Behavior | Hold |
Steady Aim Behavior | Hold |
Equipment Behavior | Hold |
Depleted Ammo Weapon Switch | Enabled |
Armor Plate Behavior | Apply All |
Slide Behavior | Tap |
Automatic Sprint | Automatic Tactical Sprint |
Resolution | 2560x1440 |
Display Mode | windowed |
V-Sync | Disabled |
Brightness | 50 |
Display Gamma | 2.2 (sRGB) |
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency | Enabled + Boost |
Field of View | 100 |
ADS Field of View | Independent |
Camera Movement | Default - 100% |
Render Resolution | 100 |
Streaming Quality | Normal |
Texture Resolution | High |
Texture Filter Anisotropic | High |
Particle Quality | High |
Bullet Impacts & Sprays | Enabled |
Tessellation | Near |
Dismemberment & Gore Effects | Disabled |
On-demand Texture Streaming | High Quality |
Filmic Strength | 1.00 |
Film Grain | 0.00 |
NVIDIA DLSS | Quality |
Anti-Aliasing | Quality |
Depth of Field | Disabled |
World Motion Blur | Disabled |
Weapon Motion Blur | Enabled |
Shadow Map Resolution | Normal |
Cache Spot Shadows | Disabled |
Cache Sun Shadows | Disabled |
Particle Lighting | High |
DirectX Raytracing | Disabled |
Ambient Occlusion | Disabled |
Screen Space Reflection (SSR) | High |
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity | 4.25 |
eDPI | Unknown |
Zoom Sensitivity | 38 |
Hz | 1000 |
Type | Unknown |
Show Accuracy | Unknown |
Color | Unknown |
Thickness | Unknown |
Length | Unknown |
Center Gap | Unknown |
Opacity | Unknown |
Outline Opacity | Unknown |
Dot Size | Unknown |
Dot Opacity | Unknown |
Scale with Resolution | Unknown |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Field of View | 103 |
Render Scale | 100% |
Frame Rate | 240 |
VSync | Off |
Triple Buffering | Off |
Reduce Buffering | On |
NVIDIA Reflex | Enabled + Boost |
Gamma Correction | 2.20 |
Contrast | 1.00 |
Brightness | 1.00 |
High Quality Upsampling | default |
Texture Quality | High |
Texture Filtering Quality | Ultra - 8x |
Local Fog Detail | Low |
Dynamic Reflections | Off |
Shadow Detail | Off |
Model Detail | High |
Effects Detail | High |
Lighting Quality | High |
Antialias Quality | Off |
Refraction Quality | Low |
Screenshot Quality | 1x Resolution |
Ambient Occlusion | Off |
Local Reflections | Off |
Damage FX | Default |
What would be the bind in F ?
New setting CS2 Shroud
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
240 edpi not 304
edpi is wrong it should be 240 edpi not 304 edpi
where is scoping sensivity Lars?
Shroud new settings are: sens is now 0.3, minimap size is now 1.2 and enemy highlight color is purple.
Updated, thanks!
Please can you add shoruds r6 settings guys? 🙂 also just saying thankyou for all the work you pput in updating this website it must been a ball ache
we appreciate the pros settings team 🙂
I founded his zowie monitor settings from a old cloud9 video
Mode: Fps1
Brightness: 100
Contrast: 50
Low blue light: 0
Color vibrance: 16
Black equalizer: 15
Ama: premium
Dyac: premium
Sharpness: 7
Can you link the vid
He is using Logitech G Pro Wireless Lightspeed Gaming headset Shroud edition.
Logitech G Pro Wireless X 2* still probably had special made for himself
Using the pg27aqdm (twitch command says he’s trying it but it’s been month) and if you ask him he tells you he’s on it
Updated, thank you!
guys what is shoud motherboard ssd psu
do you want us to visit his house and find out?
just saying there is a whole command for it on his twitch channel it goes like this –
MAINGEAR MG-1: shroud Edition – Ultimate | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 | Intel Core i9-13900K | MAINGEAR 360mm AiO RGB Liquid Cooler | RGB Performance Fans | ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Hero Motherboard | 32GB XPG Lancer DDR5 6000MHz Memory (2x16GB) | 2TB Solidigm P44 Pro SSD | 1000W EVGA Power Supply
Just a quick note. I see that you’ve halved a bunch of the sensitivities in line with him doubling his DPI. For most games, that works fine, but for PUBG, it’s an exception, since the slider is exponential, not linear. The true sens conversion would in fact be closer to 35 or 36. Hope it makes sense.
Back on the G303 Shroud edition. He is also using a custom shroud themed G Pro X V2 Headset made for him from Logitech he said.
update thanks
G303 !?
Updated, thank you!
he’s using the pg27aqdm (twitch command)
Updated, thanks!
Testing the Black Superlight 2 as of today’s stream
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Said in his stream that he switched keyboard to newly released Logitech GPX TKL
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Shroud has switched to 800 DPI Source: Twitch
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Shroud has been using the LOGITECH PRO X 2 LIGHTSPEED
Updated Shroud’s headset, thank you!
actually his crosshair is 1/12/2/6 white color with outline on
Cuz he’s on 1440p
what is 1/12/2/6
Do you update regularly? Just wondering.
We do! Here’s an article explaining our update process a little better: