Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer Gustafsson was born on January 31, 1992 and is currently on the FaZe Clan bench.
Name | Olof Kajbjer Gustafsson |
Birthday | January 31, 1992 |
Country | Sweden |
Team | FaZe Clan |
Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer Gustafsson was born on January 31, 1992 and is currently on the FaZe Clan bench.
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity | 1.1 |
eDPI | 880 |
Zoom Sensitivity | 1.2 |
Hz | 2000 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Style | Classic Static |
Follow Recoil | No |
Dot | No |
Length | 0.5 |
Thickness | 0.1 |
Gap | -0.8 |
Outline | Yes |
Outlinethickness | 1 |
Color | Custom |
Red | 0 |
Green | 254 |
Blue | 0 |
Alpha | Yes |
Alpha Value | 255 |
T Style | No |
Deployed Weapon Gap | No |
Sniper Width | 0 |
FOV | 68 |
Offset X | 2 |
Offset Y | 2 |
Offset Z | -2 |
Presetpos | 0 |
Lower Amt | 21 |
Amt Lat | 0.4 |
Amt Vert | 0.25 |
Cycle | 0.98 |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:9 |
Scaling Mode | Native |
Brightness | 110% |
Display Mode | Fullscreen |
Boost Player Contrast | Enabled |
V-Sync | Disabled |
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency | Unknown |
NVIDIA G-Sync | Unknown |
Maximum FPS In Game | Unknown |
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode | None |
Global Shadow Quality | Medium |
Dynamic Shadows | Unknown |
Model / Texture Detail | Low |
Texture Filtering Mode | Trilinear |
Shader Detail | Low |
Particle Detail | Unknown |
Ambient Occlusion | Unknown |
High Dynamic Range | Unknown |
FidelityFX Super Resolution | Unknown |
HUD Scale | 0.85 |
HUD Color | Team Color |
Radar Centers The Player | Yes |
Radar is Rotating | Yes |
Toggle Shape With Scoreboard | Yes |
Radar Hud Size | 1 |
Radar Map Zoom | 0.35 |
new crosshair CSGO-5x57Z-3u6BO-FXM5D-wB7Kp-Rq74E FOUND ON https://www.twitch.tv/olofmeister
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
whats the olofs crosshair and res and sens used most in his career?
most of his career he played 1024×768 blackbars all video settings low, mouse sens 1.7 + zoom 1.2 by 400 dpi; his main crosshairs in his prime were: size 4 or 3; gap -2 or -3; thicc 0; colour green . his main pad til this day QCK Heavy, mouse changed over the years
whats the prime olofs crosshair and res and sens?
He played 1.7 sens 400 dpi (1.2 zoom sens) and 1024×768 Black Bars res. His crosshair was usually Green with alpha 200 and size 4, thickness 0, gap -2, Classic Static.
oh thank u very much
with outline or not?
pls,do you have the latest monitor and game settings? thx
Source: Twitch command
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
DPI – 800
SENS – 1.1
Source – twitch command
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
1920×1080 hes new res on twitch chat you can see it
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
New viewmodel: https://clips.twitch.tv/SmokyGracefulTrollKappaPride-uc3p01lmoACQQdi4
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
new res 1440×1080 blackbars in cs2 source: twitch
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
New res 1280×960 BlackBars
Source: https://prnt.sc/eIf82jcVzDob and last stream
Fixed olofmeister’s resolution, thank you! 🙂
400 DPI and 1.75 sensitivity
source: stream !sens comment
Fixed olofmeister’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂
updated videosettings
Fixed olofmeister’s video settings, thank you! 🙂
olof use Logitech G PRO X SUPERLIGHT
from stream
Fixed olofmeister’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
olof 400 DPI and 1.8 sensitivity
source: stream
Fixed olofmeister’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂
olofmeister does not play 16:9. He plays 4:3 black bars as you can see in the video at 0:29: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKfVPu5jjbI
Fixed olofmeister’s resolution, thank you! 🙂
Olof uses 16:9 Native now Source: Karrigans latest Vlog
Fixed olofmeister’s resolution, thank you! 🙂
he is using ec-1a from PGL Evil Geniuses vs Faze Legends Stage – Day 5
Fixed olofmeister’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
olofmeister using ec3-c at cologne 2021
Fixed olofmeister’s mouse, thank you! 🙂
1280×960 BB, he is streaming now
Fixed olofmeister’s resolution, thank you! 🙂
olof sens is 1.7 now he said on stream “whatever 1.7 is on csgo is what i have for valorant” so should be 1.7
Fixed olofmeister’s sensitivity, thank you! 🙂