Cole “Faide” Caswell was born on November 7, 2000 and is a professional Apex Legends player and content creator.
Name | Cole Caswell |
Birthday | November 7, 2000 |
Country | United States |
Team | Content Creator![]() |
Cole “Faide” Caswell was born on November 7, 2000 and is a professional Apex Legends player and content creator.
DPI | 1700 |
Sensitivity | 0.8 |
ADS Sensitivity Multiplier | 1 |
Per Optic ADS Sensitivity | Off |
eDPI | 1360 |
Hz | 1000 |
Acceleration | Off |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Jump | Space |
Sprint | L-Shift |
Auto-Sprint | Off |
Tactical Ability | Q |
Ultimate Ability | Z |
Interact / Pickup | E |
Alternate Interact | X |
Inventory | Mouse Button 4 |
Map | Tab |
Toggle Fire Mode | B |
Melee | V |
Equip Weapon 1 | 1 |
Equip Weapon 2 | 2 |
Holster Weapons | 3 |
Equip Grenade | G |
Equip Survival Item | T |
Use Syringe | 5 |
Use Med Kit | 6 |
Use Shield Cell | 7 |
Use Shield Battery | 8 |
Use Phoenix Kit | 9 |
Display Mode | Full Screen |
Resolution | 1728x1080 |
Aspect Ratio | 16:10 |
Brightness | 72% |
FOV | 110 |
FOV Ability Scaling | Disabled |
Sprint View Shake | Minimal |
V-Sync | Disabled |
NVIDIA Reflex | Enabled + Boost |
Anti-Aliasing | None |
Texture Streaming Budget | Medium (3GB VRAM) |
Texture Filtering | Bilinear |
Ambient Occlusion Quality | Disabled |
Sun Shadow Coverage | Low |
Sun Shadow Detail | Low |
Spot Shadow Detail | Low |
Volumetric Lighting | Disabled |
Dynamic Spot Shadows | Disabled |
Model Detail | High |
Effects Detail | Low |
Impact Marks | Disabled |
Ragdolls | Low |
Survival slot is T, Map is Tab, Inventory is MB4, and his Ult is just Z –
He now uses a “Finalmouse ULX Ace Edition (Large)” Source: !mouse
Updated, thanks!
Survival slot is T, Map is Tab, Inventory is MB4, and his Ult is just Z
Some say he’s using wooting 60HE keyboard but on his stream bio it says he’s using Logitech G915 with linear switches and here it says otherwise :/
I would like to ask, has his current resolution not changed?
He uses Superlight 2, source is his !mouse command on twitch
Updated, thanks!
He doesnt use mouse scroll wheel to jump ?
he does, but thats his secondary bind. always assume a pro player has scroll wheel tap strafe setup or they arent a real pro player.
HyperX Pulsefire Mat – Gaming Mouse Pad – 2XL
Updated, thanks!
what is his reticle ?
yeah but 0, 255, 0 ?
(trying?) new !keyboard – Asus Rog Falchion (red switches).
Swapped from wooting cuz of random tech issues like some keys stops working sometimes.
forgot to mention – it’s low profile (ASUS ROG Falchion RX Low Profile 65%)
Updated, thanks!
As far as I know, it was because he had wrist issues using the keyboard (his left hand going numb), not because of issues with the keyboard itself. I guess it could be a combination of both though. Oh, source is Twitter.
looks like he’s back to wooting (
Is his resolution native or just in-game
Native (go in respawn video settings and Nvidia control panel)
last stream he was using the wooting 60 he!
he uses the wooting 60he not the g915 tkl with linear switches now btw
you telling me he used the logitech for literaly 1 day?
Updated, thanks!
in the 1v1 tournament he is also using a logitech TKL keyboard, im not certain witch one specificaly, but it looks verry similar to the Logitech G915 TKL
At the Apex LAN, he played in a solos tournament using a Zowie GSR Rouge Mousepad.
Updated, thanks!
HyperX Pulsefire Mat – Gaming Mouse Pad – 2XL
Updated, thanks!
monitor settings?
his res is 1680×1050 (16:10)
This is his settings back in 2021
in game he plays 180fps cap but uses according to here a 280hz monitor?
more frames = harder to superglide