Jonathan “EliGE” Jablonowski is a professional Counter-Strike 2 player from the United States of America who is currently playing for FaZe Clan as a rifler.
Coming from eLevate in 2015, he has been a Team Liquid player for the vast majority of his active career, and has won numerous prizes with the team, most notably an Intel Grand Slam in 2019.
He has been ranked in HLTV’s top 20 5 times and has won numerous MVP medals, making him one of the most respected North American CS:GO players. He is also a founding member (and vice chairman) of the CS:GO Professional Players’ Association.
He is a former Starcraft II player.
mousepad is not the infinite speed by infinity mouse its the infinite control
source I have both pads and one is massively fast compared to an zero Saturn or other pads he’s been spotted with
he seems to be switching between artisan fx ninja zero (idk the hardness) and the purple infinity speed mousepad
he used the artisan one in the first day vs big, it just had a steelseries sticker over it like karrigan has, u can tell its same length and placement so prob both use artisan pads
EliGE Purple Mousepad IEM KATOWICE 2025 IS -Infinite Speed Mousepad by infinitymice <3
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
it looks exactly the same but why is there 2 steelseries logos on it?
probably because Faze is sponsored by them
He’s “returned” to the wooting80he with custom keycaps as of IEM Katowice 2025 Faze Vs Big.
You can tell by the lightbar near the arrow keys.
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
EliGe is now in FaZe, and according to that announcement his equipment is as follows:
Keyboard: Steelseries Apex Pro TKL 2023
Mouse: Logitech G Pro X Superlight (1 or 2 unknown)
Mousepad: Steelseries QcK Heavy large
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
I saw the announcement and while it’s true that he has the Steelseries QcK there, I’d be surprised if he switched to that based on the previous mousepads he’s used. I guess we don’t know for sure until we see him play or he mentions it, but I kind of doubt he’s playing CS with that mousepad.
i see your point cause he almost always uses very PREMIUM mousepads, but qck its litteraly the most used mousepad in cs pro scene…so how can u doubt “he plays cs WITH THAT MOUSEPAD”, even me i played with almost every mousepad premium and putted an qck after and now i prefer an qck and its my main… im not a pro but i have 2,5k elo and for me its perfect
Well, you answered your own question – it seems unlikely someone would switch after years of using premium mousepads — especially speed mousepads — to a standard cloth pad like the QcK. But maybe he did! And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with using a QcK – it’s a fine mousepad and if it works for you then that’s great!
critbit is right, for someone who has such a niche taste in mousepads he is not randomly gonna switch to a qck
Hi, I just saw your comment. I agree that it would be unusual for elige to switch to a qck after years of using premium mousepads, but I cannot deny the possibility. I’ve been a fan of elige for a very long time, and I remember him using a qck heavy with a g703 back in like 2018. Multiple pros have went back to the qck after using the LGG saturn or artisan zero, so it’s certainly possible elige did the same. We’ll just have to wait until a player cam shows his setup clearly.
He does not rock the Qck for matches, that was just for the promotional video. It wasn’t even his set-up…
His latest settings: source his steam profile and it was Last Updated: 1/4/2025. Got everything in there to new viewmodel, radar etc etc.
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
He is using some purple mousepad but I am unsure what it is
Think it’s ‘Infinite Control’ or ‘Infinite Speed’ mousepad from infinitymouse but I don’t know which is he using now
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
infinitymice speed or infinitymice control?
Prob speed but not sure tbh unless he says
Elige is using a artisan zero
Source: Complexity vs M80 RMR
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
EliGE’s crosshair is this one:CSGO-Payjq-xu9wN-5H7uf-GWhPU-FZtOH
This is the crosshair he used on the Perfect World platform in China
Specific details can be seen in the video:
He using Cloud 3 Wireless headset. Check his last streams.
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
his wooting profile: 64ae158e44ee0914e103cc5586fec1461d06
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Using EM-C at IEM Rio
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CSGO-JFwMO-kA48w-VKPh5-bD78o-piMHA new crosshair at BLAST Premier Fall Groups 2024
gpx2 white at BLAST Premier Fall Groups 2024
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anyone know what is elige wrist rest?
Castle Bailey
Gpx superlight 2 magenta
Pgl major complexity vs faze
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
again on the kuroson ninja mousepad (see PGL RMR America)
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode: 4x
Model/Texture: Medium
Fixed, thank you! 🙂
Using Endgame EM-C Square mousepad, source: Blast stream
Fixed, thank you! 🙂